We spoke to the team on what makes a packaging design truly outstanding and exceptional as well as to gather some news on this year’s most anticipated Topawards Asia exhibition.
Q: Entries must meet any of these 5 criteria to win: Functionality, Creativity, Appearance, Materials and Form. Was there a Topawards Asia winner that successfully met all of these 5 criteria? If yes, please share with us the story of this outstanding entry.
A: We believe every packaging design has (at least) one outstanding unique factor. The criteria are created as guidelines or rules to help identify the uniqueness of each entry. We have had judges that believe certain designs have excelled in more than one area. Hence, we have entries that were given 2 awards. There are just so many good packaging works in Asia; we are looking forward to showcasing entries that will meet all these 5 criteria!
Q: Of the four categories – Beverage, Food, Beauty & Cosmetics, and Others – which one is the most interesting to evaluate, and why?
A: Out of the 500+ works, we have a balanced number of beverage, food, beauty & Cosmetics, and other designs. All the four categories are uniquely different that it is very difficult to choose one over the other.
Q: If we look at the winning entries picked by the Topawards Asia judges in the past few years, is there some kind of pattern or trend that’s changing the face of the consumer goods sector?
A: Not really, but we think the winning works are a good indication or reflection of the judges’ personalities. Some judges may pick works that are very similar, while other judges may pick works that are completely different from their aesthetics/design styles. We also come across judges that are very passionate about global concepts like zero-waste, recycling, and sustainability.
Q: Topawards Asia celebrates outstanding packaging design. Please share your view on why the product packaging is as important as the product itself.
A: Other than protecting the product inside, packaging is the first point-of-contact for many consumers. Packaging may be a deciding factor for consumers to judge a product’s quality or drive his/her decision to purchase a product. Hence, it is one of the important tools of communication. An outstanding packaging has the power to create memorable and lasting impressions to help drive your product or brand forward.
Q: This year Topawards Asia is slated to hold an exhibition in Singapore running between April and May 2020. As Singapore is now faced with the Covid-19 outbreak, how has the situation affected your planning for the exhibition?
A: Well, our exhibition is postponed until further notice, but we managed to react and respond to the situation as swiftly as possible. We are very lucky and thankful to have the support of our sponsors and partners in Singapore.
Q: What is your greatest concern about the exhibition right now?
A: Not having visibility of the foreseeable future. The situation is uncertain at the moment and we can only hope that it gets better. We want to prioritise to take safe measures to ensure the health and safety of our collaborators.
Q: The coronavirus pandemic that’s sweeping the world is sure to change everyone’s lifestyle and the way people handle their businesses. What is the future like for packaging design?
A: With the coronavirus pandemic, e-commerce and sustainability will have a big influence on the future of packaging design. We come across quite a number of works and concepts: new ideas to elevate the overall customer experience (at home). There are many companies that are trying to “wow” customers while eliminating waste. Right now, we are in the midst of creating an e-commerce platform to support our small makers in Asia.
Good things are meant to be shared. 😉 To see more of Topawards Asia’s work, check out the links below!