Meet Hao-En Chen, also known as Mark, a graphic designer born in the city of Tainan, Taiwan. Not only obsessed with beautiful things but also passionate about creating them himself, he particularly enjoys creating fantasy designs. A mindful and observant person, Mark draws inspiration from his daily life – fueling his creativity through the surroundings.

It’s no secret that the career pathway of a designer does not come easy. Mark strives to think out of the box and explore the vast possibilities of design.

Mark Hao-En Chen by Mark Hao-En Chen

Q: Your artworks are always created with a modernised approach. Since the graphic design industry is constantly shifting, how do you stay abreast of the latest design trends?
A: I try to stay current by going through design sources such as magazines, books, websites, as well as artworks from all around the world. You’ll be surprised how many different styles and artworks there are. From there, I try to study and understand their design techniques.

As a person who dislikes being restricted, I like to try different creative methods by stepping out of my comfort zone, that way I am always one step ahead. I will continue to explore and try different designs in the future.

a-2018 Chinese New Year Card 四犬成大器
2018 Chinese New Year Card |四犬成大器 by Mark Hao-En Chen

Q: What are the steps of your creative process?
A: There are 4 main steps to my creative process:
1. Understanding the art direction
2. Research and summarise the key message
3. Brainstorm on the design concept
4. Further expand the concept based on the needs

It’s important to consider how to implement the design as well as how to achieve the desired visual effect. I constantly rethink my creative process, discovering new revelations each time I do so.

Q: Where do you seek inspirations?
A: There are many design elements in our everyday life. Most of my inspirations come from my daily life experiences.

I feel and observe my surroundings closely, seeking an emotional connection that speaks to my heart. I then transmit my thoughts and emotions through visuals.

Q: In your opinion, what is the most important thing in a design?
A: Attitude. Always carry a stable mood and a positive attitude when creating a design. Our passion for design is vital as well – always keep that fire burning.

Q: Can you share with us your favourite tips and tricks when designing?
A: There is no specific technique. However, one important thing to take note on is that we can select the printing method based on the design needs.

Each design project is unique, it’s essential to find the best way to express and present the design.

如禧 RUXI by Mark Hao-En Chen

b-2018 Chinese New Year Card 福米
2018 Chinese New Year Card |福米 by Mark Hao-En Chen

Good things are meant to be shared. 😉 To see more of Mark Hao-En Chen’s work, check out the links below!