Founded by Kern, a passionate graphic designer and animator who loved bringing amusing ideas to life through the magic of design. Upon founding Mischievous Studios, he had the idea of creating three characters to represent the attitude of life, which are work like a Unicorn, play like a Monster, and dream like a Bear. Mischievous Studios are creative storytellers. They’re passionate about using visual and aesthetic sense to create an amazing and meaningful design.
Keep on reading below to know more about this mischievous design studio.
Mischievous Studios Branding Design
Q: How did the name ‘Mischievous’ come about?
A: Our studio was given the name ‘Mischievous’ because our founder likes to see his loved one’s expressions after being tricked. Mischievous Studios is founded by two passionate couples. We believe that life is more interesting with a few pranks (with good intentions, of course!)
Q: What are the most important values when designing and how do you execute them?
A: Sharing and two-way communication. Communication will always be vital to grab the needs of the client and lead them to express themselves on the expectations for our design. We share our experiences and knowledge, input the idea and concepts, go through a few stages of fine tune with two-way communication, and finally, the greatest value on each design will be delivered.
Q: A design doesn’t always need to be obvious and there are great emphases on letting customers discover it themselves. When you design for a brand how do you decide what to conceal and what to highlight?
A: We highlight the brand’s name or any objects that represent them, often their brand value, what makes them memorable to the public and keeps them loyal to the brand. We conceal the story or info that needs to be expressed in words, instead, we present it via designs.
Q: How do you find the balance between expressing creativity and fulfilling your client’s request?
A: As mentioned, communication is key. In Mischievous Studios, we make sure to communicate effectively with our clients through discussions in every stage of designing. We strive to create the best designs for our clients.
Q: Mischievous Studios’ website quotes “graphic can speak”. Can you share your thoughts on how it speaks?
A: A great graphic can speak a thousand words. For Mischievous Studios, graphic is a channel for us to communicate and to help our valuable clients share their messages. The way graphic design speaks depends heavily on the designers themselves. The character and personality of the designers will be the voice of the graphic design.
WOOKKEI Logo Design by Mischievous Studios
Maura Marketing Logo Design by Mischievous Studios
Shake Shake Logo Design by Mischievous Studios
Good things are meant to be shared. 😉 Check out the links below!
Mischievous Studios Official Website
Mischievous Studios Official Facebook Page
Mischievous Studios Official Instagram